Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Haleiwa Jodo Bon Dance

So, this past weekend, I attended my first Bon Dance. The Bon Dance tradition originates in Japan but has evolved slightly after being a part of our culture in Hawaii for so long. Originally called the O-Bon Festival, the event celebrates ancestors as they join their living relatives for a dance. It normally takes place towards the end of July.

In Hawaii, we have an entire season dedicated to Bon Dances (early June through late August) with Bon Dances held on various weekends throughout the state at various temples. The Haleiwa Jodo Mission has an extra special bon dance tradition based in lighting lanterns and/or straw boats and sending them to sea as a farewell until the next time they are invited to dance with the living.

The rules at the Hawaii Bon Dances are a little more lax (depending on the temple). Everyone is encouraged to light a lantern and join in the dance, even if they're not dressed in the appropriate bon dance attire. If you want to see more pictures and learn some more about Bon Dances, check out my feature @

Here are a few pictures to whet your appetite. Check on Friday for more pictures and a more detailed description of bon dances and their history!
Please click on the images for a larger view.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

ahhh, life.

Lately I've been spending a lot of time at home. In doing so, I've reacquainted myself with my yard.
I know what you're thinking: " Your YARD?"
Trust me...
it's beautiful.
Here's a few pictures I took while escaping from the computer today.
